Bhasha Bharati- Translation Services

If you want to increase downloads and improve your app store rankings, localization is a must. If you don’t want to limit your profits to only one geographical region, you need to localize for new markets. But ensuring that your product is globally available is the first step. With at least half of the world’s smartphone users based in Asia, it is essential to localize and tailor your app to the regional markets.

Why Localize Mobile Apps?

✅90% of the mobile device activity occurs in apps and the remaining in browsers.

✅According to a recent study by Distomo, companies who localized their apps for iOS saw 128% more downloads than the others.

✅Only 125 million, Indians prefer English as their language of communication, while the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has estimated that there are more than 860 million mobile phone subscriptions.

Types Of Mobile App Localization:

IOS App Localization:

Want to see the rise in the user base for your apps? Hire us to receive differentiated services. Our IOS app localization services can help you localize your app in any language that you require. With our unique approach, you can get high quality translated IOS application in the shortest period.

Android App Localization:

Localizing your Android mobile application in your target country's language can improve your revenue. Our team of native experts and our diligent software professionals forms the foundation of our differentiated Android app localization service.

Windows App Localization:

We offer the best quality windows app localization services. Just drop us an email and we shall get back to you with our quote and services offered.

Web App Localization:

Considering Web App Localization , Our project manager understands your requirements where you are offered customized web app localization service. Here, the tone, flow, and flavour of the language are based on your target audience.

Capture Global Market:

Smartphones and tablets usage these days is in upward curve and businesses need to respond to this growing trend. The localization of mobile applications is essential for users to interact and access information in their own language. It helps companies to make their mobile apps stand out from the crowd and widen their customer base. People from all across the globe download iPhone and Android apps every day, but only a small percentage of apps are localized. Here arises, the need of mobile app localization.

About Bhasha Bharati Arts:

At Bhasha Bharati, we specialize in mobile applications localization service and our networks of certified translators are well experienced in producing high quality and accurate localized versions of mobile applications. We offer mobile app localization services in 100+ languages so no foreign market is unreachable. As a professional mobile app translation service provider, we accept all file formats - xml, properties, ini, resx, xlf, xtiff, json, po, yaml, yml, resw, reason, strings etc. We uphold strict standards of quality at all times and ensure rapid delivery.

Get your Mobile App translated, tested and ready for use in whichever language you require! We work with iPhone and Android mobile app developers to translate and localize applications. By using our mobile app localization service, you can increase your app downloads as well as your company revenue.

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Benefits of mobile app localization at a glance

Perks of Hiring Professional Mobile App Localization Services

We believe ‘Language is not a barrier but a powerful driving force provided translation is done by professional translators who are in-country native speakers of the target language’.